Monday, 27 July 2015

Taking A Long Time To Write That First Novel?

Well you and me both, my friend.

I have been getting so frustrated with the target / aim / call it what you will, to write a novel. I have a story inside me that I want to get out but life simply gets in the way.

And today I saw this post on WritersRelief .... Five authors who took 5 years to write their books including JK Rowling and JR Tolkien. So there has to be a chance for me yet.

I have continued to think occasionally about the plot and how the story will unfold. I know I should be doing more but it is not only the novel which is suffering but I have done very little writing for several months. I know, I can hear the comments, "calls himself a writer and isn't writing!" But as I said life is simply too complicated at the moment and my focus is elsewhere. I cannot do the writing any justice and so I find it too hard to move it forward at all.

I know it is a flying visit but I simply had to share the post, and you never know it could give me that little push to get back into the habit of regular writing.