Monday, 7 May 2018

Day 3 - Completion of chapter two

Another day another little bit of my short story. I have used YWriter to plan out the basics of this piece of writing, but although I have a plan in my head I find that I just am not sticking to the plan - should I be worried? Not a problem with poetry of a story of such short length, but would it matter if I tried to get back on board with my novel?

Anyway, here are a few more "scenes" which complete chapter 2. I have now written nearly 1400 words. Not a major new tome but plenty for me to have spent the time on.

Part 3 - Mirror, mirror on the wall.

Well, first things first. I decided that a visit to the kitchen was next on my itinerary. I needed time and another coffee to determine was this real. Or was I having some kind of nervous breakdown. How on earth could what I think I saw, be real and happening to me. I could barely begin to comprehend what this meant. I literally had no idea what I had seen. All I could think of was that book about Alice somebody or other and her adventures through the looking glass. Did somebody else have a similar vision and does that make my experience real? I reached the kitchen, where I had begun my day by taking my first coffee such a short time ago. In fact, such a short time that the kettle still contained hot water, ready for a second cup of caffeine; I needed to clear my head and sort things out. Twice the sufficient amount of instant coffee, hot water to fill the cup, and no milk or sugar to dilute that hit which I needed to clear my head.

And then, "Oh my god!" I looked up and in the glass door of the kitchen cabinets, my worst fears were confirmed. I was looking at an image of the way that my kitchen looked some months ago, before I had had the renovation carried out by a friend of mine who was a builder, working in the domestic market - and making a blooming good cut of the national gross income for himself. He was supposed to have given me  a discount for the sake of our friendship but it did not feel like it when I saw his bill. Anyway, it was so clear in a diminished and greyed out way, and there I was - MISSING! Completely out of the picture. I do not know how long I stared at the reflection in front of me but my coffee was almost cold as I started to imbibe the almost forgotten liquid.

I couldn't leave things in this state. I went from room to room looking into anything which showed a reflection, and there I was missing in all of them. I was panicking and did not know what to do. I was totally unable to decide how to cope with this phenomenon. the only thing I could find to do was to remove myself from the immediate location and try to find a more normal view of the world. I dressed myself in a manner which owed more to my panic than to the fashionable style of the day, which I usually followed minutely. I went to the front door and there in the mirror, as I went out into the world at large with a final glimpse of that frightening "other world".

More to come tomorrow, hop you will join me on this journey of discovery.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, John... getting a little scary here. I will go to the complete story now.
